When I watched a KOL in front of the computer screen, declaring that he don't need a webpage or sales pipeline etc to generate sales from the Internet. And at the same time, he is inviting me to click a link to a landing page (which is a web page) to fill in my contact information. I know that what his system going to do after I fill in the form, remember that he is an agent of Click Funnels. Well, as per a senior in the marketing industry told me before, "The truth is not important, the most important thing is to speak out first!" I think I learn that now.
Just kidding, I still highly respect this KOL and I still have a lot to learnt from him. All I want to talk about is the sales funnel (or another saying, sales pipeline). The terms seems like another buzz words, it is just a marketing 101. In practical, many salesperson already practices this in physical business. You will put signboard outside to attract the flow of people outside the street entering your store as potential customers. Then, you close them in the store as deal for your business. It's just that when you move to the Internet, customers can see your advertisements online anytime, anywhere. After entering your website, just because manpower can't pay attention to your online store 7*24, you need to make a good page for customers leaving the contact information behind, and use the algorithm to at least start the sales process.
Remember a time we were doing an internal training, one of my colleague show me another marketing agent's website with a diagram below (Note, this is not the exact diagram extract from that webpage. You should know the reason)

Then, he ask me, "If doing SEM on Google, advertising on Facebook with an eye on the big data the platform provide, successfully draw traffic into a webpage with an inquiry form, means completing the sales pipeline already?" I show him the below video then.
I think it's pretty obvious that maintaining a sales pipeline means much more. Having an inquiry form in the landing webpage just mean you get the customer contact. Unless there were system behind the form, you can't even integrate those queries into a database! Of course, this is what online marketing agency can do defined by their business nature. But declaring this as helping the merchant building a sales pipeline and CRM, this remind me the statement "Truth is not important, the most important thing is to speak out first!" again.
Of course, CRM doesn't only mean to have sales pipeline and market automation features. We also do membership system and loyalty system. But even counting these, we still need external help from other IT firm on building chatbot and customer servicing system. This can indicate that even we help merchants on digital transformation for nearly 10 years, we still need to continuous learning in better equip ourselves to stay in the market.